On Saturday I spent most of the day cleaning up throw up. Totally awesome. The kiddos got food poisoning. Pep got most of it out of his system by morning (Made for a bit of a long night) but AnDee spent most of the day puking up every ounce of anything that we tried to put in to her. Poor kid. Made me feel SO bad. They were both feeling a little better by evening so we ventured in to the back yard to get some sun and fresh air.
(sorry its so dark)
Oh and Buggy tried to get a black eye by running in to the kitchen counter..Fathers Day was a good one. Im super lucky cause I have THE BEST Dad ever. But really... he is. I adore him. And to top it off... I also have THE BEST Husband too. I love him dearly.
I got Andrew a bow fishing rig for his gift. And when I say I got it for him... I actually mean we went to Cabela's and he picked it out himself of course. We got to have dinner with both families and then in the evening, when everything settled down Andrew and I got to shoot our bows for a few minutes. It was a very relaxing, fun day.
I tried to shoot Tom's bow when we were there. He made fun of me because I couldn't pull it back. But I could shoot Liams! Hooray? Where did you get the life jackets? Brad and Ash had some at Ashley's sisters house that my kids wore and loved that they could swim by themselves! I need to get my kids some!