Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday!

The boy is one... why does this make me sad? Lucky for me he is still a cuddly little fellow and is quite content to be a baby for a little longer... which makes me happy!
We got all the Grandmas and Grandpas together along with Uncle Stevie and Sierra and had some cake and ice cream and opened presents. Nothing real big but the boy is very low maintenance so he was happy with it. First we opened presents... actually first AnDee and Pep played with his balloons for about a half an hour and then we opened presents
(before I start with the pics I need to explain to you that our son is completely obsessed with his Aunt (aka grandma) Gayle. Seriously... nothing or no one holds a candle to this women. He wouldn't do anything without her. He wouldn't open presents with dad or even eat his cake without holding her hand. So anytime you see someones hand in the corner of the pic... its because he refused to let go.)

  Dad tried to coax him away from Gayle to open presents...

 It didn't last long...
 And as was expect, Buggy actually did most of the present opening for him... What a good sister.

 this kid lives for cars. Seriously... it so odd how much he loves cars... or anything with wheels I suppose. 
 Apparently the seat is a little slippery and he is too short to touch the ground so we find him like this quite often...

Next we broke out the cake

 Sharing with Gayle...

 and then it was back to the balloons and the car. 



  1. The last like 3 times I've tried to comment on your blog something went wrong. Let hope this time works. Darn blogspot...or computer...or myself. Any ways. Pep is the most adorable solid chunkster I have ever seen. Seriously cute. And I bet that Gayle loves his attention!

  2. Yay! It worked! I had more to write on your other post but have forgotten my comments. So just know that Pep is a chunky, that I love. And AnDee is stinking cute. That is all. :)

  3. and I'm excited to come see you guys in a month. THAT is all. Really.

  4. They are both so adorable. Something about that cookie monster sweatshirt is just amazing. Ha. I love it!
